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Lost in Time
Item Details
Lost in Time
Item Name:
Lost in Time
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Ringtail Cafe Productions
anthology, time, time travel, science fiction
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Print:  Color Cover, Text Interior
Size:  5.50 x 8.5
Pages:  190
ISBN: 978-1-942837-01-5
Parental Rating: PG
Publication Date:  October 2019





Description: When did it all go wrong?
What if you could do it all again?
What if it never happened?


The allure of traveling through time is strong. To see our future, to learn from our past or maybe… just maybe fix a regret.


"Lost in Time" explores a variety of time-themed stories by numerous authors in the furry fandom. Created and collected for this anthology.



Encounter at Hoppalong by Mary E. Lowd
Falling into Place by W.R. Frixmargen
Not Lost. I know Where I am by Robert Alavoine
Spear and Fang by Cedric Bacon
Tea Time on the Titanic by Reid Minnich
Time After Time by Seratin Sabertooth
Time by Stacy Bender
Waltz by T.D. Larson


Edited by Stacy Bender

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