Print: Color Cover, Text Interior
Size: 5.50 x 8.5
Pages: 146
ISBN: 978-1-61450-517-4
Parental Rating: NC-17 - Violence scenes, M/M sexual scenes
Publication Date: December 2019
This is a mature content book. Please ensure that you are of legal age to purchase this material in your state or region.
Description: Patrick thinks he’s hit the jackpot landing an interview with the eccentric billionaire tech mogul Ezra Maes. But while the celebrity deer is charming and brilliant, Pat wasn’t expecting something both men had in common: a desire for Pat’s lovely girlfriend Nightshade.
Ever eager to please his lover, and curious to explore new frontiers in the bedroom, Pat suggests Nightshade start up a relationship—not with Ezra, but rather his sex-hungry alter ego Buck.
Has this new phase of Pat and Night’s relationship also become their last?
Based on the comics and characters by Kadath.
Cover, interior illustrations, and gallery by Kadath.