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Anti-Social Behavior issue #01
Item Details
Anti-Social Behavior issue #01
Item Name:
Anti-Social Behavior issue #01
Item #:
FurNation Multimedia
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Style:  Comic
Content:  Graphic Comic Based Series
Print:  Color Cover, Grey Scale Interior
Size:  6.75 x 10.25
Pages:  48
Parental Rating:  R - mature content, sexual situations or violence
Publication Date:  January 2007


This is a mature content book.  Please ensure that you are of legal age to purchase this material in your state or region.


Description:  Meet Christian he's having a tough time at school, his home life's a mess, he doesn't understand his sexuality and he's having to look over his shoulder for the school bullies. Sound a bit familiar? Sounding bit like every other mopy furry comic ever scrawled out on the back of an exercise book? Think again, Anti Social Behavior is a world filled with grey characters in harsh black and white drawings. It's a place where every action has a consequence, every response a
logical or irrational reason. Nothing is what it seems, people are ruled by emotion and things never work out how you'd hope. Bit like the real world really!


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