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Bleak Horizons
Item Details
Bleak Horizons
Item Name:
Bleak Horizons
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FurPlanet Productions
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Style:  Literary Work
Content:  Anthology
Print:  Color Cover, Text Interior
Size:  5.50 x 8.5
Pages:  340
ISBN:  978-1-61450-345-3
Parental Rating:  PG-13
Publication Date:  March 2017





Synopsis: Gleaming utopias, friendly alien species, allied confederations


These idealistic dreams can easily fall into a horrible reality—nightmare fueled visions of the future to come.


From the loneliness of space, to the horror of first contact gone awry, to planetary colonies facing annihilation; Bleak Horizons offers fifteen stories about what horrors lie waiting for those who look to the future.



Adrift by Kandrel
4/13/2060 by Franklin Leo
Hardwire by Ton Inktail
The Ouroboros Plate by Slip Wolf
The First Viewing by Corgi W
Clicking by Ianus J. Wolf
Blink by James Stone
Pentangle by Ross Whitlock
Starless by Searska GreyRaven
This Way by Frances Pauli
Outlier by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt
Not Like Us by KC Alpinus
Clear and Cruel by Bill Kieffer
Blessed are the Meek by Rechan
Hollow by Chris “Sparf” Williams

Cover art by Kappy, edited by Tarl Hoch

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Item Reviews
Review by one of the writers
A great many people only experience science fiction by what my mother and millions of others referred to as "monster movies." From Frankenstein up to Aliens and beyond, the unknown and the unexplored are often our undoing. BLEAK HORIZONS, edited by Tarl Hoch, is a wonderful collection of 15 stories that mix SF and Horror with various levels of anthropomorphic settings and characters. And, full disclosure, one of those stories is mine. Happily, the mix includes more than just blood thirsty monsters and end of the universe scenarios.
Bill Kieffer
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Science Fiction horror anthology
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