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The Dry Spell
Item Details
The Dry Spell
Item Name:
The Dry Spell
Item #:
FurPlanet Productions
prohibition, supernatural, M/M, M/F, action
Ryan Loup-Glissant
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Style:  Literary Work
Content:  Novel
Print:  Color Cover, Text Interior
Size:  5.5 x 8.5
Pages:  410
ISBN: 978-1-61450-587-7
Parental Rating:  NC-17
Publication Date:  June 2023


This is a mature content book.  Please ensure that you are of legal age to purchase this material in your state or region.


Synopsis: It's the Spring of 1923. Chicago's cellars teem with animals seeking relief through the vices of liquor and prostitution. In the shadows beyond the all the gin and jazz of the post-war bacchanal dwell creatures who are even thirstier still.


When a simple speakeasy raid goes badly awry, a mysterious French doe escort, a troubled wolf Prohibition agent and an ambitious fox mob-enforcer become entangled in a darker world of supernatural forces, secret societies, and a rabbit steel magnate's diabolical designs on a new world order.


In a town declared dry, Chicago's taps and veins remain open. Better choose your libations carefully...


Cover art by Slate Dragon
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Item Reviews
Kyell Gold Make Way
What a showing as a debut novel from Ryan Loup-Glissant, a.k.a. Slip-Wolf. This story is extremely entertaining and very well written. The world building is excellent and I felt transported to prohibition Chicago. The story follows five main characters and shifts POV between then constantly. All of their stories are interconnected and engaging. I didn't want to put the book down! Highly recommend!!
Jesse Petre
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