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The Time He Desires
Item Details
The Time He Desires
Item Name:
The Time He Desires
Item #:
FurPlanet Productions
Kyell Gold, Kamui (Illustrator)
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Style:  Literary Work
Content:  Novella
Print:  Color Cover, Text Interior
Size:  5.50 x 8.5
Pages:  140
ISBN: 978-1-61450-336-1
Parental Rating:  PG
Publication Date:  December 2016






Synopsis: After thirty years, Aziz’s marriage now consists mostly of arguing about whether to sell their store to a developer. His wife has a social life, interests and plans for the future, but the pawnshop is Aziz’s connection to his community. And then one day a desperate fox rushes into the shop looking for the honeymoon tape his husband sold. Seizing on this chance to make a difference, the cheetah steps up to help save their crumbling marriage. A gay couple might not show him the way to a new life, but he’s running out of ways to save his old one.


The Time He Desires by Kyell Gold, with illustrations by Kamui.

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Item Reviews
Profound and lovely.
This novella was a fantastic read delving into sexuality and the Muslim faith. I'm not Muslim myself, so I cannot say how much is right in this book, but it takes a deep look into a father coming to terms with his estranged gay son and his deep faith and love of his community. The characters feel real, as if you can reach out and touch them with how Kyell wrote them into a carefully crafted existence. He has now made a new fan from this novella and his calatian series.
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